Shahpurkandi Dam, comprising 55.5m high dam with two Power Houses having total installed capacity of 206 MW, is being constructed across the River Ravi, 11 KM downstream of Ranjit Sagar Dam Project and 8 KM upstream of Madhopur Head Works. Project will create Irrigation potential of 37173 hac (5000 in Punjab and 32173 in J&K), intensive irrigation in UBDC System and regulated supply to Rajasthan. It shall also act as a balancing reservoir qua the Ranjit Sagar Dam Project, since currently its releases, guided more by the Power-generation considerations, are playing havoc with the UBDC System. The Project is an on-going Multipurpose River Valley Project which includes Irrigation in Punjab & J&K State and power generation.
Shahpurkandi Dam Project has been declared as ‘National Project’ by Ministry of Water Resources Govt. of India during February 2008. Planning Commission Government of India has accorded investment clearance for Rs. 2285.81Cr. at April 2008 price level to revised cost estimate of Project during February, 2010 and approved the cost apportionment between Irrigation and Power component as 28.61% and 71.39% respectively which works out to Rs. 653.97Cr.(Irrigation Component) and Rs.1631.83Cr. (Power Component). As per the guidelines of the National Project, Govt. of India shall provide 90% of the cost of Irrigation component as Central Assistance and 10% shall be provided by Punjab Govt. Funds for Power Component shall be provided by Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.
In order to expedite the completion of the project Punjab Govt. decided to outsource the construction of major components of the Project. Work has been taken up in Main Dam alongwith Head Regulators and Hydel Channel. Electromechanical Work of Power Houses has been taken up by PSPCL. Bids for Civil Work of Power Houses shall be invited shortly. The project is likely to be completed in July, 2017.
Salient features of Shahpurkandi Dam Project
- Gross Storage capacity :- 12071 Hec. m
- Max. Design flood level :- El.405.00 m
- Top level of dam :- El. 407.50 m
- Max. Height above foundation :- 55.50 m
- Height above river bed (El.373.0) :- 34.5 m
- Width of road :- 12.0m
- Clear waterway 22 spans of 12 m each :- 22 x 12 = 264 m
- Gross Waterway :- 415 m
- Pier width 21 Nos. :- 7.00 m each
- Crest elevation :- 380.00 m
- Type of gates :- Radial gates.
- Size of Spillway gates 22 No. radial gates of size :- 12m x 7m
- Elevation of cistern :- El. 359.00 m